External Wall Testing

Large-scale external wall tests governed by BS 8414 assess the fire performance of cladding systems on buildings. This British standard provides a methodological framework for evaluating how external cladding systems contribute to fire spread beyond the compartment of fire origin. The test involves constructing a two-story test rig that simulates a real building façade with the cladding system installed. A fire source is placed at the base of this rig to simulate a fire breaking out of a window, and the behaviour of the cladding system is then observed and recorded under these conditions. Key parameters such as the rate and extent of flame spread, the heat emitted, and any falling debris are closely monitored. BS 8414 aims to ensure that cladding systems when subjected to realistic fire scenarios, do not pose unacceptable risks in terms of fire spread. This testing is crucial for compliance with building regulations, helping to safeguard lives by preventing the rapid spread of fires in high-rise buildings.
- BS 8414-1 Fire Performance Of External Cladding Systems – Part 1: Test Method For Non-Loadbearing External Cladding Systems Applied To The Masonry Face Of A Building
- BS 8414-2: Fire Performance Of External Cladding Systems – Part 2: Test Method For Non-Loadbearing External Cladding Systems Fixed To And Supported By A Structural Steel Frame
- AS 5113: External wall fire spread analysis.
- BR 135 Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multi-storey buildings
- ISO 13785-1 Intermediate wall test